Toy Review: Kudu Voodoo’s Lennex the Dancing Bear
Lennex the Dancing Bear is one of two packer models offered by Kudu Voodoo, an independent business creating and selling fantasy silicone toys. Kudu Voodoo’s reputation in the indie toymaker industry is excellent. They are fair and transparent in their model descriptions, pricing, and advertising. Their website is comprehensive, and even features cute drawings explaining differences in their silicone firmness scale, and how their shipments are packaged. They have a unique brand and style worth checking out!
Toy Review: NYTC’s Archer
I couldn't stop thinking about how it would look to have a bulge in my pants - and, more importantly, how it would feel. After a little bit of hemming and hawing (this was, in fact, one of the first concrete steps I took to further explore my gender identity), I purchased one and eagerly awaited its delivery.